Over Christmas, many of you asked about our expansion project into the building next door. I tried to explain as best I could that this was a big project, and that we were taking the building back to stone and rebuild much of it, so the timeframe was somewhat flexible as a result. Anyway, as they say, a picture tells a thousand words, so here’s 5,000 words worth!
The “New” part of the building dates back to Victorian times
These floor joists are mostly sound, however due to modern building regulations, we cannot re-use them, so they will all be replaced, sadly.
Modern blocks covering a host of surprises, which we’ll show you another time…..
All this has had to be removed, along with every internal floor and wall (except one)!
Having taken out all except one internal wall, repaired much of the remaining exterior walls, and prepared the building for the next phases of the renovation, Richard and his team have almost got the stage of having a blank canvas to rebuild from!