Share The Love With Chocolate

Valentines Chocolate Selection

Following months of the dark, cold days of winter, February can sometimes be a challenging month. But then it is also when we begin seeing snowdrops appear in gardens and roadside verges, the days are getting longer and warmer, and steadily the shadow of winter is shaken off, while spring is almost in sight. During this time, a bit of kindness, positivity and love is always a welcome thing. Giving and receiving a gift or a special treat is something simple that can help turn a grey day into a moment of sunshine.

Valentines Chocolate Selection

Here at Chocolate Fayre, we always try to keep Spreading Happiness with Chocolate to our customers in Barnard Castle, the wider Teesdale area, and visitors from all across the country, with a cheery welcome, maybe a little chat to see how our customers are doing, and of course a bag of sweet treats to savour later on at home. It’s a wonderfully relaxing, comforting and indulgent way to spend an evening. Not the whole bag, but just one or maybe two at a time, then keep the rest safe for another time.

Feeling Loved Heart Collection Chocs

At this time we begin to get busy again, as we prepare the heart-shaped chocolate gift boxes filled with heart-shaped chocolates for Valentines. It’s wonderful to see our regular customers come in to select exactly the flavours of chocolates which they know that their significant others love, knowing that they will be appreciated and enjoyed, and perhaps even shared!

Mad on Milk

This year, we are trying to make sure that everyone feels loved and appreciated – not just your significant other, but friends, parents, children, siblings. Whoever you feel you’d like to make happy and show your appreciation to. To help with this, we have gifts for everyone, from little nods of appreciation, to spectacularly large gestures. You can take your time and choose precisely which flavours of chocolates you think would be the popular choice from our display or over 75 different varieties. Or you can let us do the hard work, and go for one of our pre-packed gift boxes, themed for different tastes and occasions.

Dark Berry Cream Cup

So help us by Spreading Happiness with Chocolate, and make sure that the love is not just for one, but for everyone!