Following the popularity of our Hill Sixty coffee beans and grinds, we’re really pleased to announce that our refreshing range of Hill Sixty loose leaf teas are now available for you to brew and enjoy at home now too. We’ve perhaps become used to the ease and convenience of the tea bag. However, made well, the extra couple of minutes needed to brew a pot of loose leaf tea is therapeutic, setting you up first thing in the morning, or relaxing and rejuvenating you during the day. If you’re new to loose leaf tea, don’t worry – it’s very easy to produce a delicious brew, once you get into the routine.
So which teas are in our range? We’ve began our tea journey with a combination of recognisable black teas, alongside some greens, herbal and floral flavoured teas, tisanes and infusions. So let’s take a look at each of them (click on the tea names to link to our online shop teas)
The House Blend is the most popular tea sold in the Chocolate Fayre shop in Barnard Castle. Sitting somewhere between a traditional English Breakfast with a malty edge, and the refreshing features of an afternoon tea, this strong, amber tea with its notes of malt is perfect for a refreshing cup at any time of the day.
English Breakfast is perhaps the most recognisable blend. While English Breakfasts are all based around Assam tea, they are all different in their flavour. Our English Breakfast is made up from different black teas blended from India & China, with a full body malty Assam, smoothed by Keemun & Ceylon.
Earl Grey is a black tea flavoured with bergamot orange oil for a light, smooth citrus flavour. It is a name which carries a strange combination of pleasure, fear and uncertainty. It’s like a secret society, where nobody seems to admit to drinking it, as they’re often faced with a barrage of disgust from others. And then of course there’s the question of milk or no milk?. Or should it be served with a slice of lemon?! We’re of the opinion that if you enjoy it, then do so, and do it your way. Nobody else is going to be drinking from your cup after all!
Fire & Ice tea is new to the Hill Sixty range. Blended using black tea scented with mint, tropical fruity flavours of mango & papaya, and blue cornflowers, every mouthful is a different journey. The first thing you notice about this tea is the striking colours of the cornflowers and fruit like little gems amongst the black tea leaves. The next thing that hits you is the extraordinary and tempting aroma, which further entices you to try it. The warming familiar background flavours of the black tea are layered with the contrasting cooling properties of the peppermint, while the sweet fruity flavours leave a luxurious fresh taste, unfamiliar to most tea drinkers, but delightful all the same.
Green Gunpowder Tea is a delightfully aromatic and refreshing green tea, made with rolled leaves. Crisp and fresh golden liquor with a slightly smoky finish, it is not as “grass-like” as many mass-market green teas. This form of tea has been around for a very long time (around 1100-1400 years in China), and is different from regular leaf tea due to the leaves being withered, steamed and then rolled into small balls before being dried. To the Western traders, these little balls resembled gunpowder, hence the name.
Green Peppermint Tea is a vibrant & refreshing green tea infused with steamed & dried peppermint leaves and peppermint oil to give a tasty and refreshing menthol flavour. With the base of green tea leaves, this peppermint tea is a smoother drinking experience than a pure peppermint leaf infusion.
Berry Cocktail A refreshing mix of elderberries, red currants, apple, rose hips & hibiscus blossom, this fruit tea is a vibrant and inviting deep ruby red colour, with a delightful aroma. An ideal alternative to a black tea or for a time when you may not fancy caffein in your cup.
All of the teas currently come in 125g resealable pouches and are priced at £5.95. We really hope that you find one or two which you enjoy, and get that teapot back into service again!