Recently we had the pleasure of hosting a couple of students on work experience. Now, everyone has talents, abilities and intelligences, however often these just aren’t what’s desired from our current education system. So, while our work experience students got stuck into the world of chocolate, coffee and ice cream, I also wanted to know what they were interested in, and where they thought their future plans lay.
As a result of this, it turned out that William was keen to get into performing arts and media. So I set a very broad brief to put together a short real showing some of the products at Chocolate Fayre in about 30seconds to a minute. With virtually no prep time, and only a few hours across the week to fit filming in between customers, William has produced this real, ready for you – our Social Media Followers.
For Ella, her interests and dream career was to be in interior design. Well, it just so happens that we have an empty canvas of a building next door. So I set Ella the task of researching and designing a comfy, warm, relaxing interior for our expansion project. With almost no preparation time, and only a few hours to produce the final result, here is Ella’s vision for our expansion project.
I’m sure you’ll all agree that the work involved, with virtually no planning time, and just a few hours to film, edit, research and design everything in between customers is of a very high standard! We were certainly impressed!
I’d like to wish both Ella and William every success in their future and look forward to hearing about what that brings.